A couple of week ago I attended the Sustainable Living Expo and met up with a few interesting groups displaying their wares there. I have to say as a person interested in the Power generation side of things and alternative vehicles the Expo offered very little hope. Yes there was an array of very expensive electric bikes and I think only two Solar related Companies represented. No doubt a lot of interesting lectures but time did not permit me to explore all those offering. However there are a lot of community groups trying to make a difference and certainly it is good to support these group and know what is around so from my bundle of brochures I will make a short list of web sites and phone numbers in case some items are of interest.
GREEN POWER -THE TRUE SOLAR PROFESSIONALS – have been invited to give a presentation out a future meeting and we look forward to seeing what they have to offer in Home Power Systems both Hybrid / battery and Solar alone back to the grid. See: www.greenpowerco.com.au 03 95449880
POSITIVE CHARGE – save $500 on your power bills www.positivecharge.com.au Ph: 03 93858555
FARMERS MARKETS- a great way to support your local growers – find a market near you – www.mfm.com.au
ENVIRONMENTAL PLUMBING SOLUTIONS – SOLAR TUBE HEATERS – Grey water re claiming, Rain water tanks and much more: www.cleanupourwater.com.au Ph: 1300 731 578
THE NEW JONSE’S – Thinking where stuff comes from and where it goes..Doing more with less. Minimise waste. A great resource: www.thenewjonses.com
DIVESTMENT – How to put your investments into ethical companies and away from the bad guys in your Super Fund and banking: www.gofossilfree.org/australia Also see www.fossilfree.com.au
AUSTRALIAN ETHICAL INVESTMENTS: www.australianethical.com.au Ph: 1800 021 227
EARTHWORKER CO-OPERATIVE – www.earthworker.org
YARRA COMMUNITY SOLAR – Converting roof tops to power stations. Opportunity to use your roof for commercial purposes or Investment opportunity: www.yarracommunitysolar.org 0401313679
LED LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS – Lighting that pays for it self. super efficient LEDS: www.cherryled.com.au
BORDERLANDS CO-OPERATIVE – A place to be involved with situated in hawthorn Melbourne. www.borderlands.org.au 03 98193239
WONDER WHY THIS COUNTRY IS DIEING ?- Reported in the Herald Sun Feb 15 – Page 10 – POWER STATIONS TAKE 1.3 Billion Carbon tax Hit. Like wise the Air Line companies are being hit for millions and all this is crippling our companies and economy and most of all US. Tax ‘INCENTIVES’ ARE THE WAY TO GO. As we watch all our companies go under ( Our entire motor manufactures and all the support Industries) we can say “Good Bye to Australia” as we, the baby Boomers have known it. It is OVER. Yes, alot of folks do really care and want to make a better world as we see by a sample of the groups above, but in our group we know about Tesla technology and cars that can run on water and were is all this technology talked about? Crazy groups like us on the fringe, but so much more can and must be done. We could have Electric Commuter Vehicles right now but where is the Tax incentive?. The guys in Adelaide can convert a Corolla type of car to electric for $10k…range over 100K and cost $3 to charge over night….Imagine what could be done if we had a tax incentive…A new industry over night. Some have tried to make it happen but the government were not the slightest bit interested. SHAME ON THEM.. Well maybe that is a project for our Association….
Here are some other stats on the PRICE OF CARBON which can be translated into direct LOSS OF JOBS as we now see with Quantas. News just today says that many jobs will go off shore and no wonder when times are hard enough and you get hit with a crazy good for nothing bill like this for many millions.
Loy Yang Power Station – Our Power – $433 million Loy Yang B – $224 Million
Hazlewood Power Station – $368 Million
Yallourn Power Station- $254 Million All up our Power Companies paid $4.1 Billion and we have enough Coal for a thousand years. Privatisation has done us no good..we have lost control of our essential services. This money could be used for new clean power plant but it wont…just in the back pockets of God knows who…
Crown Casino $ 661,710
Toyota $629,878 No wonder they are leaving
Latrobe University ( For heavens sake) $586.000 As if Education can afford this nonsense.
Pulp and paper $1.1 Million Don’t be surprised if they leave
Scope Steel and Alcoa $137 Million and Alcoa is leaving
This tax is carnage to our economy and our very lives. There are better ways to clean up our act and we are all for that but with real technology that really makes the difference. Tesla was suppressed way back in the 1900’s. Imagine what we could have today if hi technologies had been allowed to develop.