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Date(s) - 04/08/2015
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Alvie Hall

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Greetings CTS Folk

We welcome you to the last official meeting of our ASSOCIATION as an INCORPORATED ENTITY. Our membership has waned and of course the finances have reduced to an unviable level. Time moves on and people move on but the original purpose and mission of the Association is even more relevant and urgent today then when we started but the baton will have to be passed on to others to carry the load.

We would like to thank everyone for their contribution over the years and we can be proud of the work achieved and the fantastic and unique contributions that many of our members have made and will continue to make in their own way. Although no longer a formal Association we still intend to meet from time to time on a casual basis to catch up and share the latest in the HOH developments and cutting edge Energy technologies so we intend to keep the web site going and paid up for the next three years til about August 2018. We do have a Pay Pal facility if any one would like to make a donation for expenses. The web site will simply be called ‘CLIMATE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS’ UNINCORPORATED.

SPECIAL RESOLUTION – We will not be having the annual AGM as we are now in the ‘wind up’ phase. To achieve this we will need to pass a special resolution on various matters to approve the process. We welcome your vote on those matters.

AGENDA:  PETER CAMPBELL – If technology is on our side we will Skype Peter for his always enlightening contribution on the latest developments on cutting edge technologies. Peter has a passion for Cold Fusion and has been following progress in that field.  Please see his update pages on this site.

Hydroxy, HHO fuel Systems: BARRY HILTON: – BEYOND FARADAY – Barry will review the topic of HOH based on his many years of research. Barry has produced several papers starting with the HYDROGEN BRIEF to the Twin Lecture series RELEASING THE FIRE OF PROMETHEUS.

Many folk have played with a variety of cells with varying degrees of success in terms of mileage gain or even running a car totally on the cell alone. The secret is in the ENERGY OF THE GAS and it is clear that we are not interested in just producing Hydrogen and Oxygen in the cell. Much more is going on and I believe that Moray King is on the right path in many respects. We will take a fresh look at all the knowledge we have gained over the years and distil the critical criteria that we need to have in a functional viable cell. Pulsing and resonance are key factors in this process….BUT how? Come and find out…

Excerpt from Barry’s web site now on lineHHO, HOH, Hydroxy, Oxyhydrogen or Brown’s Gas — any one of these terms are loosely used to define a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gasses. However, for the purpose of standardization, the combinations of these gasses may be more formally identified.  In this presentation, Hydroxy, is defined as any gasses based on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen irrespective of their chemical or nuclear state.  HHO (Oxyhydrogen) may be defined as the stoichiometric gaseous mix of water (H2O) and comprises basically H2 (diatomic hydrogen) and O2  (diatomic oxygen).  HOH (or Hydroxide) is different, it is predominantly made up of  the ions H+ (Hydrogen radical or a proton) and OH- (Hydroxyl).      The term Brown’s gas is superfluous in our system of definitions.

If just a single spark is applied to any of the aforementioned gaseous compounds, they will instantaneously ignite into a ball of fire and recombine into water.  No carbon is necessary.  HOH is a conductive gas that when ignited forms a plasmoid of intense heat.  In ball lightening the hydroxyl gas may also react with the atmospheric nitrogen ions NO2 or NO  creating an even more intense plasma ball.   In Greek mythology it was Prometheus, the Titan creator and protector of humanity, who stole the secret of fire from Zeus and gave it to us as -“The Fire of Prometheus” .

Lets go out with a blast, all welcome for a great enlightening evening. Time permitting we have a great item to show on the Tesla car and what we can expect in the future.

SUPPER: Tea/Coffee/ with Biscuits provided



Office Bearers voted in at the August AGM:

President – Barry Hilton

Vice President – Cameron Ashton

Secretary/Treasurer/Public Officer – Ian Hacon

Committee Member – Ron Porteous

Committee Member – Mark Ireland

Science Adviser – Peter Campbell



  Peter Campbell on all matters Fusion. Please see ‘PETERS PAGE‘  on our home page.