amazing sun oven
Cooking with the power of the sun
March 13, 2009, KSL-TV (Salt Lake City NBC affiliate)
Latest alternative energy news submitted by members.
amazing sun oven
Cooking with the power of the sun
March 13, 2009, KSL-TV (Salt Lake City NBC affiliate)
This youtube clip is worth keeping in mind and cross checking as it looks like 2012 maybe a most interesting year.
PKC says – Although I agree 2012 will be interesting,
Years ago I bought the plans for the Howard Johnson motor but til now no one has been able to replicate it. Take a look at this web site for what appears
“Energy from the Vacuum”TM – Part 8 – Challenging the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
We publish all points of view and articles published are not necessarily those of the Association or its members. We welcome counter points of view. Only through open debate can we make proper decisions
PDF version of Catalogue, click here
Excel climtech-table1
A number of DVD acquisitions on Stan Meyer water fuel and other free energy issues have recently been donated and may be available from the library by the December meeting, once funds for disc storage,