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Monday, Sept. 15, 2008
- Hydrogen > Production / Storage >
Nanonets Snare Energy– Researchers at Boston College say a new material could cheaply convert sunlight into hydrogen. Nanonets are two-dimensional branching structures, with materials made of titanium disilicide that split hydrogen and oxygen via visible light, absorbing or releasing hydrogen, depending on the temperature. (MIT Technology Review; Sept. 10, 2008)
- Solar / Building >
Solar Roofing Materials – United Solar Ovonic has teamed with CENTRIA to create a metal roof system that generates electricity from sunlight more cost-effectively. The partnership offers seven different prefabricated systems, ranging in capacity from 3 to 120 kilowatts. Tests show that the solar roof panels are rugged and can withstand winds in excess of 160 miles per hour. (MIT Technology Review; Sept. 12, 2008)
- Hydrogen Vehicle >
Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell Wins 2008 Green Car Vision Award– The Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell has been honored with “Green Car Journal’s” Green Car Vision Award™. Featuring General Motors’ fourth-generation fuel cell propulsion system, the Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell won out over fellow nominees including the BMW Hydrogen 7, Honda FCX Clarity, Phoenix Electric SUT, and Toyota Prius Plug-In. (GreenCar.com)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
- Superconductors / Magnets >
Superconductivity can induce magnetism – Andrea Bianchi, a professor in the Department of Physics at the Université de Montréal, and his colleagues show that, contrary to previous belief, superconductivity can induce magnetism, which has raised a new quantum conundrum. (PhysOrg; Sept, 11, 2008)
- Conventional Renewable Energy >
‘African Renewable Energy Gains Attention – Sub-Saharan Africa could provide more than 170 gigawatts of additional power-generation capacity — more than double the region’s current installations — through 3,200 “low-carbon” energy projects, such as combined heat-and-power, biofuels production, mass transportation, and energy efficiency, according to a World Bank report. (WorldWatch Institute; Sept. 10, 2008)
- Large Hadron Collider >
Large Hadron Collider: Best and Worst-Case Scenarios – Wired breaks down how five major physics theories – and the theorists who’ve spent their lives developing them – may be impacted by the discoveries that could emanate from the LHC. (Wired; Sept. 9, 2008)
- Global Warming Consequences >
Hurricane Ike – Video of “not quite Category 3” Hurricane Ike from the International Space Station. (NASA space views; Tracking Ike) (CNN; Sept. 9, 2008) - —Inline Message Follows—–‘Free Energy’ News
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Friday, August 15, 2008Featured: Events >
Report: ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference 2008 – See our 2008 Tesla Technology Conference reports, photo gallery and follow-ups. Our New Energy Congress members who attended have posted their thoughts and feelings on this year’s Conference activities. (PESWiki; August 12, 2008)Refrigeration >
A compressor-free refrigerator – Engineers at Penn State have developed a new method of running a refrigerator that doesn’t require a compressor. Rather, it changes the level of organization in a solid to change the temperature. This change in entropy results in heat-transfer. (Slashdot Commentary) (Pure Pedantry; August 12, 2008)Waste to Energy >
ReCyclone Transforms Garbage Into Energy – The PowerMaster ReCyclone™ acts like the wind inside a tornado, grinding garbage into tiny pieces. It takes ordinary trash and turns it into energy and reusable power sources like diesel fuel, while reducing landfill space by up the 97%. (NextEnergyNews; Aug. 14, 2008)Biomass / Plastic and Energy >
Metabolix Grows Bioplastics in Switchgrass – Metabolix announced an incredible development: they have found a way to generate significant amounts of ecologically- sound, biodegradable, durable bioplastic that they call Mirel by growing it directly in switchgrass. (Inhabitat; August 14, 2008)Alt Fuels > Ethanol >
North America’s Largest Wheat-Based Ethanol Plant Opens in Saskatchewan – A $130-million Terra Grains Fuels ethanol plant is claiming to be the largest wheat ethanol project in North America and produce approximately 150 million liters (40 million gallons) of ethanol and nearly 164,000 tonnes of dried distiller grains annually. To do this the plant will require 15 million bushels of wheat each year. (TreeHugger; August 11, 2008)
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